External Mental Health Resources

Mental health is defined as a persons condition with regards to their psychological, emotional and social wellbeing. The state of our mental health determines how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. 

This page contains information on some external mental health resources and provides you with the information of where you can go should you need help and support. 

If you need immediate help or you don't feel you can keep yourself safe right now, please call emergency services on 999 or The Samaritans on 116 123.

External organisations that can support you

You can click on the website links to get straight to the webpage, or use the contact details underneath each heading.


Samaritans offer a 24 hour day, 7 days a week service support service.

Call them free on 116 123 any time, day or night

Email: jo@samaritans.org

Website: https://www.samaritans.org/


Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.

Infoline: 0300 123 3393

Email: info@mind.org.uk

Website: https://www.mind.org.uk


Shout is a free 24/7 mental health text support in the UK

Text 'Shout' to 85258

Website: http://giveusashout.org/

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) has a helpline and webchat for anyone who’s having a tough time and needs to talk.

Call 0800 58 58 58 (Open 5pm - Midnight 365 days a year)

You can also use the Webchat - CALM

Website: https://www.thecalmzone.net/help/get-help

Hub of hope

The Hub of Hope is the UK’s leading mental health support database. It is provided by national mental health charity, Chasing the Stigma, and brings local, national, peer, community, charity, private and NHS mental health support and services together in one place for the first time.

Website: https://hubofhope.co.uk/

Lighthouse Club - The Construction Industry Charity

The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity is the only charity that provides emotional, physical, and financial wellbeing support to construction workers and their families. Free confidential support 24/7:

UK 0345 605 1956

ROI 1800 939 122

Text HARDHAT to 85258 (UK)

Text HARDHAT to 50808 (ROI)#

Website: https://www.lighthouseclub.org/

Rethink Mental Illness

This page can help you find organisations that can provide the most appropriate support depending on your circumstances.

Website: https://www.rethink.org/aboutus/what-we-do/advice-and-information-service/get-help-now/