Quarterly A*stars Awards

Each quarter, winners are chosen from each business unit to receive a £250 voucher for going the extra mile. 


Recognition Portal

What are Quarterly Awards? ​​​​​​​

Quarterly Awards are chosen from all the A*stars Individual Awards that are ticked to be put forward for the Quarterly and Annual Award process each quarter.  Nominations submitted for a Quarterly Award will be reviewed by the managing director for each business unit and, if successful, colleagues will receive recognition and vouchers to celebrate their success.

To nominate a colleague for the Quarterly and Annual Awards, you can select 'Yes' or 'No' while recognising a colleague through the Nominate Now process. Please remember to include all requested information or the award may not be considered.

If selected, points will be added to your A*stars Recognition Portal.

A massive congratulations to our Q3 2023 winners!

  • Kathleen O'Donnell
  • John Fenton
  • Rachel Callaghan
  • Gareth Roughton
  • Dillon Bose
  • Ella Blake
  • Tatiana Rose
  • Daniella Ord-Hume
  • Alexander Davey

Don't forget to nominate your colleagues by visiting our A*stars recognition portal!